Sunday, August 16, 2009

Champions are Champions

Champions are champions because they are criticized.
No matter what others say about you, always remember that you are going to stand before God alone and give an account of what you did with your life on earth so never allow the criticism of others to keep you from being in God's perfect will for ur life.
Remember, David was criticized heavily just before he killed Goliath- 1st Sam17v28. You cant please everyone! Tryin to please everyone is a great curse- Luke6v26.
No wonder Elbert Hubbard said "2 avoid criticism, do notin, say notin, b notin" & "d man who is anybody and who does anything is surely goin 2b criticized, vilified, and misundastood. This is part of the penalty 4 greatness".
U've dared to be great, dare to expect criticism and dare to stay in God's will!A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks the others throw at him or her- David Brinkley.

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