Sunday, August 16, 2009

The door seems closed, what next?

World organizations like the UN, WHO, IMF e.t.c rate Africa as having the highest number of povertyrate and low income. In fact Nigeria is rated as having most of its citizens living below an average of$1 per day. Looking at the embezzlement that occurs in government and the lavish spending of therich & famous, one would want to doubt the truth of such report, but when you get out of your carand walk along with the common man then you would find out things you would have neverbelieved.A common situation graduates in Nigeria find themselves is the search of a job that is not there or atleast for few compared to the number of graduates released into the economy yearly. After so manyfruitless searches, they feel the door is closed and only open for the few with the right influence.Every human has the right to good health, food, water and shelter and should not be viewed as aprivilege to few.It is rather a shameful situation for political aspirants of this century of ours, to still be stating intheir manifesto that they would give good roads, water, food and health to the citizenry. They haveinfluenced the society to believe it is a privilege they should be grateful for when it is provided tothem. Rather those social amenities should be the first major concern of every government todevelop and maintain them for economic development. In this century we should be havingpolitical leaders talk about the policies they would implement when they get in the office. Thepractice of politics without principle is a direction towards destruction of a society.Although, 52% of the Nigeria population falls within the active age of 15-64 which is regarded asthe working or productive age in an economy which is a very good advantage to Nigeria but theleaders have not put in place adequate and functional policies to make use of such labouradvantage. If Australia has such an age distribution it would have grown faster than its present rateand would not be requiring the need of skilled labour from around the world.Conclusively, the door may seem closed but the main issue is that hope has simply been lost. Weneed to reengineer our focus towards building our society. By focusing on developing our societywe would be able to achieve individual goals. When people come together with a common voicethose doors could be crashed and various opportunities will emerge for everyone to grab and makeuse of. Gone are those days when one man does it all, these days we need to leverage on the powerof team. Like it is said “No sacrifice No Victory”, we need to sacrifice something to get something.What we sacrifice depends on how important is what we want in return.

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