Sunday, August 16, 2009

Youths: The ushers of a new era

It is sad these days as some youths are not willing to play active parts in decision making process (e.g. politics) andare mostly used as tools for distraction and destructions to successive development of the society. This is incontras to the actual purpose of youth in the society which is to act as; the driver of change in the society,originator of fresh ideas, the voice of the next generation, the caretaker of the elders.However, youths in recent times have lost their focus in building today because they are restlessly pursuing withgreed the rewards of the future. Forgetting that the present is a gift to youths, so that they may prepare a solidtomorrow for the next generation to build a proper future. Many great men achieved their greatness while in theiryouthful age or at least vision it.The story of Sir Isaac Newton is a typical example of a young man who was on holiday at his grandmother’scountry home, fell asleep under an apple tree. Only to be waken up by a fallen apple that made him ask thequestion that changed his life and humanity in general “Why did the apple fall down?” that question broughtabout him researching and developing the Law of gravity as a basic principle for scientists.At the Age of 27 Alexandra the Great had conquered more than half of the world thereby expanding the RomanEmpire. He became the Caesar at the age of 21 and led his army into various battles, despite protest fromdifferent quarters that there was too much battles fought.Nelson Mandela of South Africa, was in a tender age of 34 when he led prominently in the ANP‘s 1952 DefianceCampaign which was part of the basis that lead to the anti-apartheid cause. He was a fighter for the freedom ofAfricans; even in the face of death he stood his ground.The story will be remembered of the great Chief Obafemi Awolowo of Nigeria, who at 41 founded a formidableparty (Action Group) in 1950 which was a strong frontier for the Yoruba race. He will be remembered for his use ofpolitical principles to fight for and rule his people as the premiere.Youths have demonstrated in history that overcoming obstacles to achieve worthwhile goals gives our livesmeaning and provides satisfaction. Those youths that challenge the norm and seek the best for their people andhumanity in general have had their names passed down the history lane.We should ask ourselves, what path are we leaving for the next generation behind us to tread? Or are we just goingto sit and wait for a dream that as never been put into action come to reality? The answer to these lies in our veryattitude towards the environment we live in. We need to stand up for the change and get involved in the movementof change towards our dream nation.A Chinese proverb says “A Wiseman makes his own decisions; an ignorant man follows public opinion”.